It is to be noted that is not a substitute for physical and mental medical advice, treatments or diagnosis received from professionals in your personal life.
Information on Get Chicky in the form of graphics, texts, imagery and more are to be used for “informational purposes” only and not otherwise. We ask each one of you to check with your physician or family doctor for the best treatment and advice since their word would take precedence over what is written here. Don’t ignore your family doctors’ advice, especially when dealing with physical and mental medical conditions of any kind.
Get Chicky doesn’t endure self-vested interests, doesn’t recommend tests and doctors’ names, services and products, opinions and any information other aspects mentioned here.
Employees with are well-trained and well-informed to handle all queries, and they would only respect your wishes, Beauty, health and medical related. The site also has information that can be sexually explicit and informative at the same time, which if you find offensive we then ask you to look elsewhere for help.
Finally, provides information on an “as is what is” basis, and not otherwise.